Denise Buchanan

Denise works at Breathing Space as an Intuitive Healer and Medium/Tarot Reader.

For as long as she can remember, Denise has had the ability to see, sense and feel things that others might not see.

Denise always found it scary, feeling that she might be different, and so it took her many years before she had enough courage to start using her abilities to help other people as she’d always wanted to. Since then, Denise joined a development circle which she has been attending for many years. Denise has been blessed to have had good teachers, and has been using tarot cards for over 25 years. Denise is also Reiki trained.

Denise has been working with Vicki Casale, Kinesiologist/Counsellor for about 5 years. She loves doing the combination sessions they offer as they are both so in sync with each other. Denise is able to identify chakras and meridians, emotions and past events that are being held in the body causing energy blocks. Vicki then uses her expertise in a multitude of modalities to guide the client. They both incorporate all of their modalities, as well as sound healing, to bring the client back into balance.