Sound Healing
Sound Healing
Sound healing therapy uses aspects of music and vibration to enhance physical, mental and emotional health and well-being.
Sound healing uses tonal frequencies to bring the body into a state of vibrational balance and harmony. Given that everything has a vibrational frequency, including ourselves, it makes sense that sound frequencies can impact the energy of our body and move us closer to coherence.
During a session you will typically lay down on the floor and get comfy and simply listen as the practitioner plays a variety of instruments. You bathe in the soothing sounds and vibrations and the sound frequencies will slow down the brain waves to help reach a deeply restorative state, which activates the body’s system of self-healing.
The practitioner uses a variety of instruments in session, including Singing bowls, gongs, Tibetan bowls, tuning forks, didgeridoos, drums and voice. Bathing in the tones of the instruments helps release tension in the body, calms the nervous system and is known to stimulate the glandular system.
People who find it hard to quiet the mind or who struggle with meditating usually find sound healing helpful. Tricking the mind, to give it something to focus on, often will slow down thoughts.
Sound travels approximately four times faster though water than it does through air and as our bodies are about 70 percent water, sound is a wonderful natural therapy for us. Taking our vibration into healthy resonance provides wonderful stress release.
At Breathing Space, we believe it is important to offer modalities where our clients can come and ‘receive’. It is deeply nourishing to be able to lay down and be immersed in the healing tones of sound to restore balance and resonance within the body.