Serena Wehi
Tēnā koutou.
Hello one and all.
I warmly welcome you to explore Papatū Māori Massage and bodywork at the gorgeous location of Breathing Space.
I am offering traditional Polynesian style massage and bodywork sessions to assist your health, wellbeing and fierceness. To uplift you, body, mind and spirit.
My intention is to guide you to a place of limitlessness. To assist you to feel space and freedom, to shift blocked or negative emotions, to enhance body, mind spirit connection, to reclaim your inner strength and wellness. What is your intention?
My wish for you is that you experience some of the profound healing benefits of these ancient gifts as I have. They have an innate way of aligning us to our inner truth if we wish it.
These gifts are:
*Miri Miri - gentle oil massage using long flowing strokes. Moving the ‘wai’ or waters of the body to clear along the pathways of energetic channels.
*Romi Romi - more intense form of bodywork aimed at specific haemata and roimata points (internal and external pressure points) the places where we store trauma, emotions and tensions.
I have many varied qualifications in both scientific based bodywork and traditional healing modalities that allows me to treat you in the most nurturing and holistic way while keeping you safe and held. I have a Bachelor of Health Science Myotherapy, a Diploma in massage however my passion is in the intuitive and spirit guided flow of Māori healing.
Our body is the vessel of our divine being. Wellness is our birthright.
90 minute Polynesian massage session exchange is $155
60 minute remedial massage session exchange is $110
For bookings - Call Serena on 0425 244 609
Follow Serena on Instagram at papatu_maori_healing
Whakamoemiti me arohanui.
With gratitude and love.
Ko Māhinaarangi Roimata Hera Huria Wehi au