Our body remembers everything, it remembers all that our mind forgets, suppresses and blocks. Our body holds it all. Any unresolved emotional wounds or held trauma is stored in our body, just waiting for the opportunity to be expressed and processed.
Have you ever had the feeling that your shoulders are up around your ears? Maybe you suffer from IBS? Have you ever noticed that you hold your breath? Do you feel you overthink things and get stuck on a loop of worst case ruminating? Do you feel that history is repeating itself? Maybe you feel agitated or restless as your baseline of being, or you notice that your breath is shallow and up high in your chest?
That feeling of bracing for what might come next, is that familiar to you?
This could be an indication that your nervous system is aroused, that you are operating from your sympathetic nervous system- fight/flight/freeze/fawn. Our sympathetic nervous system isn’t the enemy (although it often gets the blame for things) it’s a lifesaver, spurring us into action in times of emergency when adrenaline and cortisol are required to fire us up and get us moving. However, these stress hormones are very taxing on our system, and we are best served when we can return to our parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) Unfortunately, in our day to day over scheduled cram packed lives our body receives the “spur into action” memo from our sympathetic nervous system a little too frequently. Our body becomes accustomed to holding on so tight, holding things in, shoving feelings down in order to keep on keeping on, and this is where we can find we are then reacting to life rather than responding to it.
BREATHWORK – how can it help?
Breathwork provides a meaningful, non-verbal path to self- knowledge, inner wisdom and wellness that encourages greater physical, emotional, and spiritual balance in life.
By learning to breathe in a continued connected conscious way, taking full belly breaths and long rhythmic exhalations, we are able to switch our nervous system over to our parasympathetic, slow things down, get present and enter into a non-ordinary state of being. It is in this space our body is able to unwind the nervous system and release unresolved emotions and patterned thinking as they come to the surface to be felt, processed and released from the body. Along with emotional releases, people report feeling lighter, gaining clarity and insights that come from connecting to your intuition, a feeling of spaciousness. Listening to and giving your body space to just be. Breathwork is transformative and empowering. The simplicity of the act but the profound outcome. A feeling of coming home to yourself.
1 hour 30 minutes - $170
1 hour 45 minutes - $220 (Couples Session)
Dress comfortably for movement and it is advised to not eat at least an hour before.
*BREATHWORK is not suitable for those with cardiovascular conditions, pregnancy, some psychiatric conditions, psychosis, those having had recent surgery or fractures, acute infectious illness or epilepsy, severe hypertension, glaucoma or active spiritual emergency.
Sharon is an accredited and recognised professional member of the Australian Breathwork Association.