Melanie Ward

I am an ACA Registered Counsellor with a Bachelor of Counselling from Notre Dame University.

My life experience and journey parenting 4 adolescent children has deepened my understanding of the challenges that individuals may encounter as they move through life.

These challenges may include grief and loss, life transitions, relationship issues, separation or divorce, motherhood, parenting, empty nest syndrome, illness and adjusting to retirement. These experiences can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, confusion, restlessness or feeling stuck. When moving through these challenges it can be so helpful to have a safe and supportive space to explore your feelings, reflect, and find some practical tools to help you build a stronger and more positive relationship with yourself and your loved ones.

My counselling approach offers a warm, empathic, and confidential space for my clients to explore the issues that may be causing them emotional distress. As an integrative, trauma-informed, and person-centred counsellor, I support my clients to build self-awareness and find clarity using compassion, empathy, and non-judgement. My belief that a strong therapeutic relationship between counsellor and client is the most effective way to create positive change ensures that you will feel encouraged, supported, and understood throughout the counselling process.

As a certified Yoga Teacher, I am passionate about holding space for my clients to help them to find a sense of groundedness, calm and clarity through yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. These tools have been invaluable in my own life leading to my desire to share them with others. I am a trainee Lifeline Crisis Supporter and currently studying a Grief and Loss certification to enable me to further support my clients in the future.

To book a counselling session with Melanie email

To book a yoga session with Melanie @melaniewardcounselling on Instagram