Sharon Jennings

Sharon is passionate about supporting clients to live in freedom. The freedom that comes from truly knowing yourself, where that idea of who you are and the role or position you were given in life by those around you or your own self-limiting beliefs ends… and the real you begins.

Sharon believes through self-discovery, self-awareness and self-acceptance, people are able to heal, to come home to themselves in a genuine way and live their life with intention. She is a fierce advocate for her clients' ability to heal themselves.

Sharon had been working for over a decade for a national company in coaching, training and development. She became struck how time and time again, even though she was coaching and developing management teams in a business framework, what stifled a staff members succession in the company wasn’t their intelligence, lack of knowledge or opportunity and training in the given role, but rather their own self-limiting mind chatter. The inner critic and lack of confidence that grew from a story they believed about themselves. She saw how stuck and in turmoil those people felt. Sometimes they presented as lacking confidence, sometimes full of false bravado and ego. Either way their colleagues smelt the lack of authenticity. Working on a soulful personal level, unpacking those inherited damaging “stories” given to them from many stages of their lives, she supported them to connect, understand and accept themselves in a way that allowed a new knowing and confidence to emerge. An authentic, compassionate, truly confident manager will always get the most from their teams. Understanding and being able to communicate with people this way, she was able to replicate that result for the company over and over again.

Sharon took a break from paid work to focus on raising her young children (turns out that was and continues to be the biggest Coaching job of her life!). This is where things really got interesting. 12 years ago she discovered for herself the healing benefits of Breathwork. She was a relatively new mother and as many of us who have become parents would agree, that time in our lives really is when a lot of our “stuff” comes up. The spiritual awakening that Sharon experienced was profound, leading her on a self-enquiring journey that continues today and covered many modalities, though, to date she has still never experienced any that come close to the results of Breathwork. Connection to the breath, the non-judgement, the exploration to feel, witness and release layer after layer. The simplicity of the act, but the power of the experience. Sharon found it to be that missing liberating piece. It was a natural fit for her to study to become a Breathwork practitioner.

In 2016, Sharon decided to not return to work in the way she previously had and rather made the move to build her private practice, to walk the talk of her work/life balance mantra.

Sharon is open, curious, loves to laugh (usually at herself) and has a hunger for learning and life, the eternal student, she is currently also studying counselling and excited to add those skills to her healing toolkit.